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Newsletter 4 Autumn Term – 28th September 2017

By 28 September 2017Newsletter

Newsletter 4 Autumn Term – 28th September 2017
Happy Home Learning
This week we would like you to sort your teddies! We have been reading the story Goldilocks and the 3 bears and have been learning about size this week in school. Can you sort your teddies into size order biggest to smallest? We would love to see photographs of your happy home learning in school next week.
Polite Reminder – All shoes, coats and clothing should have your child’s name in them. We have cardigans, coats and shoes all still being muddled up. Thank you
Foundation Stage 2
This week in literacy we have been reading Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We have been retelling the story and acting it out in our small world area. Can you retell the story to your grown up and then draw a picture of your favourite part of the story in your homework book?
In maths we have been learning to recognise numbers. We have helped Wizard Twinkle find the numbers he was looking for and even went on a number hunt in our outdoor area! Can you practise writing numbers 1-10 in your homework book?
Year 1
Spellings – car far star dark park to come he
You can practise by writing them three times or by writing them in a sentence.
Maths – Practise adding numbers within ten and then 20. You can record your stories by drawing the amounts and writing the corresponding numbers and then the total.
Topic – If you have any wool at home that you don’t need and want to donate for some weaving we would be very grateful.
Year 2
Maths – Can you count in multiples of 5 up and down to 50? Practise this orally until secure. Count in 2s from any given number including odd numbers. (1-100)
Topic – Please complete your paper bag outfit in readiness for our Paper Bag Fashion Show on Friday 6th October at 2:30pm
Spellings – jaw, jar, jacket, join, jump. What other words have the ‘j’ sound?
Head Lice
There are still a number of cases of head lice being reported in school, particularly in Foundation Stage 1 & 2. Please check your child’s hair and treat where necessary. Thank you.
School Photographs
The photographer will be in school on Wednesday 8th November to take school photographs. All children will be taken individually but if you would like siblings to have their photograph taken together, please inform the office staff so that arrangements can be made. Please note this only applies if your children are pupils at the infant school. As in previous years, the photographer will be holding a ‘Family Session’ after school. Anyone is welcome to come along to this session which enables families to have siblings who attend different schools photographed together. Appointment times are available by calling the school office and will be given on a first come first served basis. Please note that these sessions are very popular so it is important that you contact the office as soon as possible.
Persistent Absentees – Attendance level of below 90% for school year.
We have received confirmation from the Local Education Authority that there were 12 pupils who achieved an attendance level of less than 90% for the school year 2016-2017. This is an improvement from last year when there were 23 persistent absentees at the end of the school year 2015-2016. We thank you for your support in helping us to make this significant improvement.

School Year Number of pupils with less than 90% % of pupils with less than 90% Local average National
2015-2016 23 14% 11.2% 8.4%
2016-2017 12 7.8% 10.4% 8.2%

FABSS Fashion Show
Fabss will be holding a fashion show on Friday 10th November at 6.30pm in the school dining hall. Further information can be found by visiting and tickets can be booked by calling 07948 998236 or by email
Election of Parent Governors
Your will receive a letter tomorrow outlining the process for the election of 2 new parent governors. Please read the letter and the personal statements of the 3 candidates and return your vote to school as directed in the letter.

Diary Dates
Extra Stay & Learn Tuesday 3rd October @ 6pm
Year 2 Visit to Skipton Castle Thursday 12th October
Parent Consultation Week Monday 16th – Thursday 19th October
School Closes for Half Term Friday 27th October
Back to School Tuesday 7th November
School Photographs Wednesday 8th November
Family Photograph Evening Wednesday 8th November 3pm – 6pm
School Closes for Christmas Friday 22nd December
Inset Days
Monday 6th November 2017
Friday 9th February 2018
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018