Foundation Stage 1 Happy Home Learning
This week the children have been learning the names of 2D shapes. Can you help your child to find something that is a square shape, a rectangular shape and a circular shape in your house? Also, could you encourage your child to put on their own coat and shoes?
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy: Please help your child to sound each letter individually and then blend them together to read the following words: mat mad sad.
If possible, write each word.
Numeracy: Help your child to spot shapes in the environment e.g.: rectangle = door
Help them to find a rectangle, square, circle and triangle and then draw the shape in their Homework book
Year 1 Homework
Maths- Can you think of different ways to make 10 using a collection of objects? E.g 4 and 6, 7 and 3..
Literacy – Can you use metal objects from around your house to create a flat sculpture? Draw a picture of it in your book and write a caption underneath about the materials you used.
Year 2 Homework
Can you get creative this week? Design and make a magical door! Add labels telling us why it is magical.
Maths – Practice your counting on. Give a number e.g. 16 and count on to 20.
Spellings – door, open, slowly, smoke, scared, walk
Macmillan Coffee Afternoon – Friday 26th September 2pm
Please leave any donations of buns, cakes or biscuits in main reception. We look forward to welcoming you to this fabulous fundraising event.
Class of the week 15h – 19th September
It’s fabulous to see that our new full time children are setting an excellent example. Well done to Unit 3 who achieved a level of 99.2% and are ‘Class of the Week’.
Attendance Drop In Session
We work closely with our Education Welfare Officer Laura Blakemore and would like to invite you to a drop in session on Thursday 23rd October. Laura will be available from 2.30pm for an informal chat, should you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s attendance or special leave requests.
Absence – If your child is not able to attend school please call the school office on each day of absence giving a reason why. All illness is monitored for health & safety reasons so please give clear details of your child’s symptoms. If you do not call school the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and in certain circumstances we may ask the Education Welfare Officer to make a visit.
Playground Safety – If your child comes to school on their scooter please make sure they do not ride it on the school premises or leave it lying around on the paths or playgrounds. For their own safety and the safety of others, please ask them to dismount at the gate. Thank you
Book Bags
Due to increasing costs we have had to increase the price of our book bags with immediate effect. The new price is £5.50.
School Dinners
We would like to remind parents/carers that your child should keep to either a lunch provided by school or a packed lunch from home for a full week.
Spare Clothes
We are again in need of spare clothes, particularly girl’s pants and socks/tights. Any donations would be gratefully received.
FABSS Car Boot Sale Sunday 21st Sept from 9am. Some places left if you are thinking of a clear out or come along and grab a bargain. For more info please call 07948 998236.
If you are thinking of going to the FABSS Bingo Night on Friday 3rd October, please post your forms and payment by Tuesday 30th September. FABSS can be contacted on 07948998236.
FABSS Diary Dates
Meeting – Wednesday 1st October @ 5pm at BSIS
Bingo night – Friday 3rd October @ 7pm
Winter Wonderland – Friday 28th November
School Diary Dates
Macmillan Coffee Day & Cake Sale Friday 26th September 2pm
EWO Drop in session Thursday 23rd October 2.30pm
Break up for October Half Term Thursday 23rd October
Inset Day Friday 24th October
Return to School Monday 3rd November
School Photographs Thursday 6th November
Family Photograph Evening Thursday 6th November