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Newsletter 4 – Summer Term 7th May 2015

FS1 Happy Home Learning
This week we have been looking at shapes. What shapes can you find in your home? What shape is the door, the window and the table? What other shapes can you find?
FS2 Homework
Can you make a 3D box model of one of the animals that we saw on the visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park? Please bring it to school on Monday so that we can see your creation.
Year 1 Homework
Phonics – Continue to look at the phonics screening past test papers to prepare for the phonics screening test, week beginning 15th June.
Literacy – Collect 5 objects from around your house, write a label for them and place them in alphabetical order
Maths – Can you group everyday objects into 2’s, 5’s & 10’s? Try using buttons, spoons, cars etc.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Maths – Please practise telling the time. Can you work on o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to?
Literacy – Following our VE day celebrations, can you research the life of a World War 2 soldier? Maybe you could write a diary or design a ‘sign up’ poster.
Class of the week – 27th April to 1st May.
Congratulations to the children in Class 5 who are class of the week after attaining a level of 99%. Well done!
VE Day
We would like to thank you for the efforts made today to celebrate VE Day. The children looked fabulous in their 1940’s outfits.
Messy Church – St Francis Church, Bramley
You are once again invited to take part in ‘Messy Church’ on Sunday 10th May at 4pm. There will be a BBQ to enjoy as well as crafts and games for a small voluntary donation.
Exciting News
We have had confirmation that the school is to receive a small extension to provide a children’s baking kitchen which will be situated on the front of school adjacent to classes 7 and 8. Building work will start next Thursday mainly to the

car park area of school. We have been assured that this will cause minimal disruption to children and parents. We would appreciate your close supervision
of children when coming to and from school and would ask you to reiterate safety messages to your children about the dangers of playing near building sites. We will keep you updated regarding the progress over the coming weeks.
FABSS Community Gazebo
The FABSS Community Gazebo project has been approved by the Aviva Community Fund. This gazebo would provide shade on the school field for children of Bramley Sunnyside Infant and Junior School’s in school time and during after school clubs. It will also enable both schools to make more use of the school field for PE or as an extended classroom, by providing much needed relief in the summer from the sun. Bramley Sunnyside Junior FC will also benefit from its use during the weekends for football training and matches.
We now need your help please, by voting online. The projects with the most votes will go through to be judged by the Aviva Community Fund panel. To vote, please visit the link below. You can vote up to 10 times (per email address)
Please share with family and friends. The more votes we get the better chance we have of securing funding. Voting closes on 30th May. Thank you
Nepal Disaster
You will no doubt have seen adverts on the television or received texts asking to donate to this appeal. As a school it is not possible for us to respond to every charity but we would like to let you know that one of the pupils in the Junior School is raising money for this cause through a raffle and donation tin. Should you wish to contribute in any way with weather permitting she will be on the Junior Playground before school tomorrow morning.
Diary Dates
May Day Holiday Monday 4th May
Break up for Spring Bank Holiday Friday 22nd May
Back to School for Summer Term Monday 1st June
Y1 Visit to Flamborough Lighthouse Monday 8th June
Inset Day Friday 19th June
FS1 Closed for new starter Thursday 25th June
Coffee Days Friday 26th June
Break up for Summer Holidays Friday 17th July @ 2.30pm