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Newsletter 5 – Autumn Term 2015 – 1st October 2015

Happy Home Learning – FS1
This week the children have enjoyed singing the rhyme Old McDonald had a Farm. Please help your child singing the rhyme together, name the animals that live on the farm and discuss the sounds they make.
Foundation Stage 2 Homework
Literacy – In phonics we have now learnt the following letter sounds;
m, a, s, d, t. Can you practise learning these letter sounds? Can you think of an object that begins with the m, a, s, d, t sounds and in your homework book draw them and write the sounds below.
Number – In number we have been learning the concept of 1 more. Can you support your child to understand this concept by asking them to get you 1 more with items around the house?
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Using the hundred square in the home-school diary, start counting from any random number. Can you spot any patterns on the hundred square?
Literacy – Tell your grown up what you know about recycling. Can you make a list of things you will recycle?
Year 2 Homework
Creative – Next week we will be studying the text, ‘The Paper Bag Princess’. In support of this, we would like your child to make an item of clothing, out of newspaper, for them to wear at our fashion show on 9th October.
Spellings – This week’s spellings are in the ‘aw’ family. They are: saw, straw, draw, yawn and crawl.
Handwriting – Please practise the following letter formation from the curly caterpillar letter family on the attached sheet, referring to the home school diary for the correct formation:
c, a, o g, d, q
Can you use some practical equipment at home to create some subtraction calculations and then write the matching number sentence?
e.g. I started with 17 sweets. I took away/subtracted 5 sweets. Now I have 12 sweets. 17 – 5 = 12
Class of the Week – 21st to 25th September
Congratulations to the children in Class 8 who have attained an attendance level of 97.4%.

FABSS Fashion Show
Tickets are still available for the fashion show on Friday 16th October. Please submit your ticket requests as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Art Work Sale
You may remember that at the end of the Summer Term we held a sale of the children’s art work and we are pleased to inform you that a total of £137.56 was raised.
Sponsored Obstacle Course
You should now have received a letter outlining the details of our Sponsored Obstacle Course together with the sponsor form for your use. Spare copies are available from the main office. Your support is much appreciated and we look forward to watching the children enjoy this fun experience.
Harvest Festival
The children in Year 1 & 2 have been busy learning Harvest songs with Mrs Stothard and on Friday 9th October, weather permitting, they will be walking down to St Francis’ church to take part in a Harvest Celebration. Any donations of dried or tinned food in support of the Homeless Project would be gratefully received.
Parents Consultation Meetings
Parent consultations will be held week commencing 12th October, Monday to Thursday. Time sheets are now on the classroom doors for you to select your time slot.
Messy Church
Messy Church’ takes place this Sunday from 4pm to 6pm. Crafts, celebration and food are provided and all are welcome. For further details call 07512 607117 or email
FABSS Diary Dates
Fashion Show – Friday 16th October (Dining Hall)
Meeting – Wednesday 4th November BSJ 5pm
Meeting – Wednesday 25th November BSI 5pm
Winter Wonderland – Friday 4th December
Diary Dates
Monday 5th October @ 9.15am Parent Forum (School Library)
Wednesday 7th October Sponsored Obstacle course
Friday 9th October Harvest Celebration
Thursday 15th October EWO monitoring visit
Friday 16th October FABSS Fashion Show
Friday 23rd October Break up for October H/T