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Newsletter 5 – October 6th 2016

By 6 October 2016Newsletter

Newsletter 5 – Autumn Term 6th October 2016

Happy Home Learning
We would like you to go on a hunt around your house and the local environment looking for logo’s and signs that you know. E.g. Morrisons, McDonalds, Nestle etc. When you have done this can you ask your grown up to help you cut some out and bring them into school so that we can make a book for our role play area. Also, now the weather is turning colder, please continue to practise putting on your coat, shoes and ‘wellie’s’ independently.
Foundation Stage 2
We have been busy learning some new sounds in phonics. So far we have learned, m, a, s, d, t. Can you practise writing these in your homework book? We have been learning to hold our pencils properly and forming them correctly.
Maths- We have been practising counting to 10 and beyond. Can you continue practising this at home?
Year 1
Maths – Can you practise forming numbers correctly? Use number 0 – 10 and practise every day
Literacy – Could you write a recipe for mouse ice-cream! E.g. You will need some……
Spellings – I, my, to, the, come.
Year 2
Maths – Please practise counting forwards and particularly backwards in steps of 2, 5 and 10 until your child can do this securely. If they can already do this, can they start from any number. e.g. 14, 16, 18, 20.
Spellings – eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
Literacy – We are studying the text, ‘The Paper Bag Princess’. Please can you and your child make an item of clothing for your child to wear out of paper? This could be made out of any kind of paper, including newspaper. We will be hosting a fashion show where the children will be able to model their item of clothing on Friday 21st October at 2.30pm. Grown-ups will be invited to attend and tickets will be available for sale at 50p from the week commencing 17th October.
Timetable Change
We have begun a new timetable which incorporates daily reading in class for all children. It is essential that your child has their book bag in school every day to support this. We look forward to sharing our new system with you in a stay and learn session in the future.
Macmillan Bun Sale
Thank you to everyone who supported our Bun Sale for Macmillan. We raised a total of £113.23 which will be sent to the charity. Thank you
Parent Consultations
We will be holding parent consultations next week on Monday to Thursday. Appointment times are available outside your child’s classroom and we ask that you choose a time to suit your convenience.
Dinner Menu 1st – 4th November
There will be a special themed menu prepared by the cook for the first week back after the half term holiday. Further details of this will be issued before school finishes on Friday 21st October.
School and Family Photos
The photographer will be in school on Thursday 17th November 2016 to take school photographs. All children will be taken individually but if you would like siblings to have their photograph taken together, please inform the office staff so that arrangements can be make. Please note this only applies if your children are pupils at the infant school. As in previous years, the photographer will be holding a ‘Family Session’ after school. Anyone is welcome to come along to this session which enables families to have siblings who attend different schools photographed together. Appointment times are available by calling the school office and will be given on a first come first served basis. Please note that these sessions are very popular so it is important that you contact the office as soon as possible.

Class of the Week
Congratulations to the children in Unit 3 who attained a level of 99.3%. We are very proud of you!
Monthly attendance for September – School Target 95.7%
Congratulations to Class 9 who attained the highest level. Please note that the whole school attendance is an average of Y1 & Y2. Foundation Stage is not included in the monthly data.

Unit 2 Mrs Davies & Mrs Rothwell 95.9
Unit 3 Miss Williams 96.0
Unit 4 Mrs Dennis 97.6

Class 5 Mrs Gilardoni 98.6
Class 9 Mrs Mottram 98.8
Class 8 Mrs Hanby 94.7
Class 6 Mrs Rushton 96.9
Class 10 Mrs Goulding 97.1
Class 7 Mrs Stothard 97.1

Whole School for Month 97.2
Whole School for Year to Date 97.2

Polite Reminder re: End of the School Day
Please note that from this September all children now finish at the earlier time of 3.00pm. We would ask parents to collect children in Foundation Stage and the Infant School before going to the Junior School to collect older siblings. Thank You
Harvest Festival
Children in Year 1 and Year 2 will be visiting St Francis’ Church on Thursday 13th October in the morning to celebrate Harvest Festival.
The Church is collecting dried and tinned food items for the Shiloh and Lighthouse project, two worthy causes who support people in difficulty. Should you wish to donate anything to this cause, please bring any items to school by Thursday and we will take them to Church on your behalf.
Reverend Darren Ward will then come to school later that morning to conduct a harvest celebration assembly for Foundation Stage 2 children.
Parent Forum
As a school, we are passionate about hearing our Parents’ and children’s voices! We are holding our next parent forum meeting on Tuesday 11th October at 2.15pm and repeated at 5pm. in the new Community Room.
During the meeting we will be discussing our Attendance Procedures and Behaviour Policy. We would love to see as many people as possible at our first meeting of the year. For more information please see our Charter Letter sent out to you today
Foundation Stage Morning Routine
We appreciate that the start of the day at the beginning of a new term can be very hectic for some Parents and our youngest children. In order to help this, we will be displaying cards for the dinner choices on the door outside your classroom, so that as parents arrive before the start of the day, they can discuss the lunch choices with their child and tick the card. There will be three cards, red for the meat option, yellow for the vegetarian option and green for the chilled choice (sandwich) option. A menu will be displayed alongside the cards (the menu can also be found on the school website and will be emailed to you at home)
Water Bottles in School for Year 1 and Year 2 children.
May I remind parents that children do not have to bring a water bottle to school, the children have access to fresh water in the classroom. Water is also available in the dining hall at lunchtime and the children have access to fruit at morning playtime. Should you wish your child to bring a water bottle to school, this is permissible, but must only contain plain water and must not contain flavoured waters, squash, fruit juice or watered down juices/cordials. The children are well aware of this expectation and the reasons for it.
It has been brought to my attention that some parents have refused to accept this school policy and have expressed this vocally to the staff in front of children. This is completely unacceptable. We have an open door policy and warmly welcome you onto school every day. Each member of staff is more than willing to make a mutually convenient time to discuss any matter relating to your child with you in privacy.
School Dinner Taster Sessions
Following your parental feedback and listening to children at lunchtime, we are aware that we have a large number of children who choose a sandwich option on most days. Child feedback has shown that they are not sure what the hot options taste like and parental feedback has indicated that many parents would like their children to try options other than a sandwich. We would therefore like to invite you and your child to a School Meal taster session which will take place on Tuesday 8th November at 2.30pm in the school Dining Hall. This event will be FREE OF CHARGE to all who attend.
Our cook Mrs Angela Pemberton and her team will prepare samples of our hot school meal choices which will include
Chicken Curry
Chicken Enchiladas
Quorn bolognaise
Fish Goujons
A selection of deserts.
You will be able to collect your child from their classroom from 2.30pm onwards and make your way to our Dining hall where samples will be available for you and your child to try.
In order to ensure we cater for everyone attending, please confirm your attendance by signing up to the list in your child’s classroom or by telephoning the school office.
Stepping Stones Children’s Centre
Various events have been organised for children aged 0 – 5 years by the staff at Stepping Stones Children’s Centre, Maltby. For further details please telephone 01709 334417 or visit their Facebook Page. There is a poster on the notice board outside main reception giving further details of the exciting events on offer.

Diary Dates
Monday 10th – Thursday 15th October Parent Consulations
Tuesday 11th October Parent Forum Meeting @ 2.15pm & 5pm
Thursday 13th October Harvest Festival
Friday 14th October Fabss Fashion Show – 6.30pm
Friday 21st October School closes for Half Term
Monday 31st October Inset Day
Tuesday 1st November School Resumes
Tuesday 1st – Friday 4th November Special Menu Week
Tuesday 8th November School Dinner Taster Sessions
Thursday 17th November School Photographs and Family Photograph Session
Friday 16th December School closes for the Christmas Holidays
Tuesday 3rd January School resumes for the Spring Term