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Newsletter 5 – Summer Term 14th May 2015

FS1 Happy Home Learning
This week we have been singing the song five little peas in a pea pod. Please ask your child to sing the song to you, they have been singing beautifully! We have been reading the story of the enormous watermelon at story time and have discussed our favourite fruits and vegetables. We would love to see photos of you enjoying your favourite fruits and vegetables at home, these would become part of our display in our Farm Shop.
FS2 Homework
Literacy – Please visit your local Library or use the Internet to research tropical fish and help your child to write a sentence describing their favourite one. Can they write a super sentence that includes a description of shape, colour and how it might feel?
Please help your child to practise writing their full name accurately.
Numeracy – We have been doubling amounts in school this week. Ask your child to show/tell you what double a given number is. Use numbers to 10 e.g. double 3 is ….?
Year 1 Homework
Numeracy – Write in words numbers to 20. i.e. one, two etc.
Phonics – Continue to look at the phonics screening past test papers to prepare for the phonics screening test in June
Literacy – Please look out for information leaflets when you are out and about. Collect them and bring them to school.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Maths – Can you weigh out the ingredients to make some buns?
Year 2 Dance & Bug Mansions
Next Thursday, 21st May at 2pm, parents/carers are all invited into school to watch our dances from the dance festival. During the afternoon there will also be a poetry recital and the grand opening of our bug mansions. We will be serving refreshments and if anyone would like to donate any buns, cakes or biscuits they would be gratefully accepted. Thank you
Class of the week – 27th April to 1st May.
Congratulations to the children in Mrs Stothard’s class who have achieved a level of 99.2%. Very well done!

Fabss Bingo Night
We are very pleased to announce that the profit from Friday’s Bingo Night was £945.66. We are also hoping to be successful with match funding, possibly adding another £500 to that total. Thank you
FABSS Community Gazebo
Please remember to vote for the Community Gazebo by logging on to
Please share with family and friends. The more votes we get the better chance we have of securing funding. Voting closes on 30th May. Thank you
Class Photos
The photographer will be in school next Thursday 21st May to take class photographs. Individual photographs will not be taken.
Year 1 Visit
The letters outlining the details of the Year 1 visit to Flamborough Lighthouse and Bridlington Lifeboat Station will be sent out tomorrow.
Lost Property
It is only a few weeks since we sorted out the lost property and disposed of the unclaimed items. Unfortunately, we already have a growing number of items which have lost their owners, including school jumpers, fleeces, coats and hats. Please check that your child has all their belongings at home time and make sure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled. Thank you
Diary Dates
Class Photographs Thursday 21st May
Break up for Spring Bank Holiday Friday 22nd May
Back to School for Summer Term Monday 1st June
FABSS meeting at BSI Wednesday 3rd June @ 5pm
Y1 Visit to Flamborough Lighthouse Monday 8th June
Inset Day Friday 19th June
FS1 Closed for new starter coffee days Thursday 25th June
Friday 26th June
Break up for Summer Holidays Friday 17th July @ 2.30pm