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Newsletter 5 Spring Term – 2nd February 2017

By 2 February 2017School News

Newsletter 5 – Spring Term 2nd February

Happy Home Learning
Red Team
We have been learning the nursery rhyme. An elephant went out to play one day, upon a spider’s web one day. The rhyme will be coming home with your child today. Could you please practise with your child?
We have been learning about shapes. Can you look for different shapes in your house? What shape is your bed? What shape is your door and your window? Etc…
Foundation Stage 2
This week in literacy we have been looking at Toy Story and reading and writing clues to help Woody find his hat! In your homework book, can you write a sentence telling us who your favourite character from toy story is?
In our classrooms we are practising forming numbers correctly. Can you draw your own number line in your homework and write the numbers on?
Year 1
Reading – Please read your guided reading book. Can you write three facts you have found out if you have a non-fiction book or if you have a fiction book write about what you like about the story.
Spellings – he she said saw black blue grey white pink purple yellow orange
Maths – Choose a number between 1 and 19. Can you find one more/less than this number? Can you find 2 more/less than this number? Use objects so you can see the quantity getting bigger or smaller. You could record your calculations pictorially or using a number sentence.
Top Tip for learning the value of a two-digit number-
Use straws to make teens numbers. Bundle ten straws together with an elastic band to make the ten part of the number and use single straws for the ones part. This will help your child to learn the make-up of a two-digit number. They need to know the first digit is a ten not a one.
E.g. if they are writing 13 don’t allow them to say it’s 1 and a 3. They must say and understand that it’s 10 and 3 more.
Year 2
Spellings – flies, dries, tries, copies, carries
What could the mystery spellings be?
Literacy – Can you find a simple poem, read it, learn it and recite it ready to perform on Tuesday? Tell your grown-up what you like about it and anything you have noticed.
Maths – We have been learning O’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past and 5 minute intervals times this week
Set the time for your child using the online clock. Can they tell you what the time is and how they know?
Class of the Week – 24th to 27th January 2017
Class 9 are ‘Class of the Week’ for the third week running with an overall attendance level of 97.8%.
Tops & Bottoms
We’ve been asked to let you know that Tops and Bottoms in Bramley is NOT closing down but is being re-branded. The new owner has informed us that the shop will stock our school uniform, plus lots of new affordable items of children’s clothing, including Wickersley School & Sports College uniform. The shop will be up and running again shortly once it is fully re-stocked and the new owner will let us have a pricelist to pass onto parents.
Messy Church
Messy Church will be held at St Francis’ Church on Sunday 5th February between 4pm – 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and join in crafts, fun and food. There is no charge but donations are welcome.
Stepping Stones
Please find details below of various sessions and celebrations which will be held at Stepping Stones Children’s Centre.
Tuesdays from 1pm to 3pm Sessions for parents/carers of children with variable disabilities and additional needs.
Fridays from 10am to 11.30pm Stay and Play for children aged 0 – 5 years – Cost £1
(Starting 8th March)
Friday 24th February Celebrate Chinese New Year with crafts and food tasting. 1pm – 2.30pm
For venues and further information please contact the Children’s Centre on 01709 334417
Future Local Authority Activities
Over the coming weeks there are various activities taking place at Clifton Park Museum and Boston Castle, specifically aimed at 3-12 year olds. For further details, log on to and search for Clifton Park Museum or Boston Castle.
Important Internet Safety Information
In the light of recent events where children have viewed inappropriate and disturbing footage on the internet, we have been asked by RMBC Safeguarding section to remind parents and carers to be vigilant of their child’s internet activity. We therefore urge parents/carers to have regular and open talks with their children about internet usage and to ensure that the appropriate security settings are in place. Any unusual findings or activity should be reported. Further information and advice can be accessed by visiting the following website.
Stay & Play Sessions FS1
Wednesday 8th February RED team stay & play session
Stay & Learn Session Foundation Stage 2
Tuesday 7th February Foundation Stage 2 @ 2.15pm
Stay & Learn Sessions Y1 and Y2 – Focus on Reading
Tuesday 14th February Year 1 @ 1.40pm
Thursday 16th February Year 2 @ 1.40pm
Diary Dates
Thursday 16th February School closes for Half Term (Friday 17th is Inset Day)
Monday 27th February Return to School
Monday 27th – Thursday 2nd March Parent consultation evenings
(Appointments available from Monday 13th March
Friday 7th April School closes for the Easter Holidays
Monday 24th April Return to school for Summer Term
Monday 1st May School closed for May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Monday 5th June Back to School

Friday 17th February
Thursday 15th June
Friday 16th June