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Newsletter 5 Summer Term – 5th May 2016

By 5 May 2016

Newsletter 5 – Summer Term 5th May 2016

Happy Home Learning
We have been reading The Little Red Hen. Can you tell your grown up about our story? Are the animals in our story being kind? What would you do to help your friends?
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy -This week we would like you to keep practising your dangerous words. Keep practising the ones you found tricky on our sponsored spell and write them in your homework book.
Maths – We have been learning to count reliably up to 20 and placing the numbers in the right order. In your homework book can you use coloured pencils/felt tips to create a colourful rainbow number line?
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Please can you have a go at reading and spelling the common exception words for Year 1?
Maths – Please practise counting forwards and backwards in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – Please practise the common exception words that you struggled with last week.
Literacy – We would like you to write some noun phrases to describe the chocolate or candy bar that you designed at school this week. E.g. Delicious, chewy caramel chocolate that melts in your mouth.
Maths – Can you find objects in your home that look like the 3D objects we have been learning about this week? Please draw them and then describe their properties. E.g. How many faces, edges and vertices do they have?
Class of the Week
Congratulations to Class 9 who are ‘Class of the Week’ after achieving an attendance level of 98.8%.
Lost property
A pair of pink glasses has been found on the playing fields. If you think these belong to your child please contact the Junior School on 01709 542231.
As you are aware the expected level of attendance for our school is 95.7% and I am pleased to inform you that we have achieved our target for the month of March. However, over the past few weeks, there has been a significant increase in requests to take holidays during term time, indicating that we may fail to reach our target over the remainder of the school year. You have received the report from Ofsted which outlines the next steps for our school and I would direct your attention to the final bullet point.

• Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that: leaders continue to work with parents and pupils to improve attendance.

Whilst time taken out of school for illness is the highest contributing factor to our low attendance figures, term time holidays also impact on the overall levels. Please take note of the following facts and consider the implications on your child’s education before you book a term time holiday or keep your child absent from school without a genuine reason.

• If your child is absent for 1 week, they will miss 5 hours of literacy, 5 hours of numeracy and 10 hours learning of a combination of other key subjects including science, RE, PE, history and geography
• 10 days absence in 1 school year = 94.7% attendance level at the end of the school year. (Below the expected level)
• If your child misses 15 days in a school year (e.g. 2 week’s holiday and 1 week’s illness) then there end of year attendance will be 85%. If this pattern continues throughout their primary education they would miss the equivalent of a whole school year
• Records show that your child’s examination results may drop a whole grade for every 19 days missed.
• If your child misses 19 days of school during a school year they will be recognised as a Persistent Absentee.

There are currently 26 pupils who currently have 100% attendance, 176 pupils who are achieving or above the expected level of 95.7% and 69 pupils who are below the expected level. 12 pupils are already considered Persistent Absentees having missed more than 19 days of school this year.
It would be fabulous to achieve our target at the end of this school year and believe that, working together, we can achieve our expected level.

Diary Dates
Tests During this month Y2 children sit end of Key Stage Assessment
Friday 6th May SATs Drop In Session for Y2 parents @ 2.45pm
Friday 6th May Fabss Bingo Night
Wednesday 18th May Class Photographs
Thursday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Friday 27th May Inset Day
June During this month Y1 children take the phonics screening check.
(An information session for parents will be advertised on our return).
Monday 6th June Return to School
Friday 17th June Inset Day
Tuesday 19th July School Closes