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Newsletter 6 – Summer Term 21st May 2015

FS1 Happy Home Learning

Your child’s happy home learning this half term is read, collect, recycle! Look at reading what we call environmental print. It is the print of everyday life like the print samples on a newspaper page. Your child “reads” it every day and typically they are comfortable with it. It is rich with experiences unique to them and to your family: like going out to eat. Reading environmental print is a good place for your child to begin to learn to read. To support our environmental-print reading at school could you please save labels. Here is how. When your child eats at their favorite restaurant, buys a toy at their favourite store, eats their favourite cereal, eats their favourite sweets can you save the label. After the holidays send them all to school. We will be making lots of environmental print labels and books in the next few weeks with all the things your child has brought to school. So please save all those labels!

FS2 Homework

Literacy: During our first week back to school, we will be learning about living things with a focus on flowers.  Please help your child to take a photograph of a flower that they like and together, talk about what it looks like.  Please bring this in to school on the second day (Tuesday, homework day) thank you.

Please continue to help your child to write their full name.  It is one of the Learning Goal objectives and target.

Numeracy:  Practise writing numerals to 20 and beyond.  Question your child: Tell me 1 more than… 1 less than ….


Year 1 Homework

Can you research lifeboats and lighthouses and what they do within the community in preparation for our visit to Flamborough.

Continue to practise your phonics skills.

Year 2 Homework

Spellings – Keep working on your days of the week and months of the year. They are so tricky!

Can you make some signs for our next role play, the cowboy jail. Try finding out about cowboy crimes, cow rustling etc.

Research a famous cowboy, what crimes did they commit? What did cowboys wear? You could even draw a cowboy.


Class of the week – 11th May to 15th May

Congratulations to the children in Class 6 who are Class of the Week by attaining a level of 99%.


Class 8 are currently in the lead for the title of Class of the Year with a level of 96.9%. There is still time for the other classes to catch up so try your best to help by coming to school every day. The current overall attendance for our school is 95.1% which is below our expected level of 95.7%. Therefore, we would ask you to make every effort to help increase this level over the remainder of the school year so that we are successful in achieving our target.

FABSS Community Gazebo

Please remember to vote for the Community Gazebo by logging on to the Aviva Community Fund website

Please share with family and friends. The more votes we get the better chance we have of securing funding. Voting closes on 30th May. Thank you

Class Photos

The photographer has been in school today and you will receive a proof of your child’s class photograph after the Spring Break.

Diary Dates

Break up for Spring Bank Holiday                     Friday 22nd May

Back to School for Summer Term                     Monday 1st June

FABSS meeting at BSI                                     Wednesday 3rd June @ 5pm

Y1 Visit to Flamborough Lighthouse                  Monday 8th June

Inset Day                                                         Friday 19th June

FS1 Closed for new starter coffee days           Thursday 25th June

Friday 26th June


FS1 Sports Day                                                Friday 3rd July

9.30 AM & 1.30 PM


Leavers Assembly for parents                           Tuesday 14th July @ 2pm

Parent Walk about Infants & Juniors               Tuesday 14th July

(More details to follow)

FS2, Y1, Y2 Sports Day                                    Friday 10th July @ 9.15am

Break up for Summer Holidays                         Friday 17th July @ 2.30pm