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Newsletter 7 Autumn Term – 15th October 2015

By 15 October 2015

Newsletter 7 – Autumn Term 2015 – 15th October 2015
Happy Home Learning – FS1
The children have been busy learning to sing the rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep this week. Please help your child to sing the rhyme correctly.
Foundation Stage 2 Homework
Literacy – This week we have been learning to rhyme. With your child can you practise singing lots of Nursery Rhymes? Then in your homework book can you write a rhyming string e.g. cat, mat, sat, pat.
Number – This week we have been learning to form numbers correctly to 10. At home have a go at painting numbers, chalking numbers outside or even using a paint brush and water on the floor/wall outside. In your homework book can you have a go at writing rainbow numbers using different coloured felt tip pens? Remember to think about the correct formation!
Year 1 Homework
Maths – Draw a picture of a clock and position the hands to show what time you go to bed.
Literacy – Can you draw a picture of a character from your favourite story book and write a speech bubble?
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – walk, talk, some, come, first, finally
Literacy – Please read your book to a grown up. Can you write 3 things you liked about the story or for non-fiction, your 3 favourite facts?
Maths – Can you practise counting in multiples of 2, 5 & 10? If you can do this you could challenge yourself and try counting in threes and fours.
Topic – Can you do some Dragon Art? You could paint, sketch, draw, pastel or make a dragon model.
Children’s Storage Cupboard
We have a multi-coloured storage cupboard which is surplus to requirements that could be yours for a small donation to school funds. It would be ideal in a children’s playroom or bedroom and anyone interested should contact the office staff.
Class of the Week – 5th to 9th October
Wow! 100% attendance for Class 8, you are superstars!
Sponsored Obstacle Course
We would like to thank you for your overwhelming support so far. Please send any outstanding sponsor money to school as soon as possible so that we can inform you of the final total raised. Thank you
Parent Questionnaire
Thank you to all parents who have attended parent consultation appointments this week. We will be arranging further opportunities for you to come into school and learn more about the curriculum and how your child learns in school. We have listened to feedback from parents who have attended our Parent Forum Meetings and would now ask for feedback from all our parents. A questionnaire is attached to this newsletter and we would be grateful if you could complete it and return to school by Thursday 22nd October. A questionnaire will be drawn out at random and a prize given to the lucky winner.
Parent Forum
We thank all the parents who have attended our Parent Forum meetings and advise that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th November at 9.15am. We are still in need of a Class Parent Representative for Class 6 – Miss Dawson, Class 9 – Mrs Mottram and Unit 4 – Mrs Dennis. If you are interested in taking on this role and becoming a valued member of the forum, please see the class teacher.
Donations – Advance Notice
We are always humbled by the generosity of our families when it comes to charitable giving. Your recent Harvest donations to the Shiloh Project were gratefully received and the amount collected so far from the Sponsored Obstacle Course is remarkable. Each and every one of us will have charities close to our hearts and as a school we also like to support charitable giving. Over the coming weeks we will be supporting the following charities and would like to give you advance notice so that you can decide which you would like to support.
Remembrance Day – Poppies will be available to purchase after the half term break. Also, The British Legion has provided us with a small supply of wrist bands, key rings and rulers which will be available from Monday 19th October for a suggested donation of £1.
Children in Need – Friday 13th November, further details to follow.
Christmas Nativity Collections – Bluebell Wood Hospice and Our Kenyan
Christmas Activities – The Christmas Season will soon be upon us and as always we have arranged lots of exciting activities for the children to enjoy including our very own Nativity Performances. Further information and dates will be given in due course but we would like to advise that tickets for the performances will once again be priced at £2 each and limited to two per family. Also, a contribution of £5 per child to help towards the cost of the Christmas Activities will be requested.
School Photographer
The photographer will be in school on Thursday 12th November to take individual photographs. If you have children in different classes in the Infant School it will be possible to have their photographs taken together and a request slip will be issued in due course. We will also be holding a ‘Family Photograph Evening’ on the same day from 3pm onwards when you will be able to bring older/younger siblings, other family members or even your pets along. You will be able to book your appointment time from 8.30am on Monday 19th October. This has been a very popular venture in previous years so please act promptly to avoid disappointment. All photographs will be ready in time for Christmas.
FABSS Diary Dates
Meetings – Wed 4th November BSJ 5pm & Wed 25th November BSI 5pm
Winter Wonderland – Friday 4th December
Diary Dates
Friday 23rd October Break up for October H/T
Monday 2nd November Inset Day
Tuesday 3rd November Return to School