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Newsletter 7 Autumn Term 20th October

By 20 October 2016Newsletter

Newsletter 7 – Autumn Term 20th October 2016

Happy Home Learning
Over the half term holiday please encourage your child’s independence skills. Encourage your child to dress and undress by themselves also to put on their own coat and shoes. When we return to school we will be welcoming Goldilocks and the 3 bears into our home corner. Could you please save your empty porridge boxes for us to use, Thank you.
We hope you have all enjoyed your first 7 weeks in school; your children have made us extremely proud of them. They deserve a well-earned rest this half term. Well done FS1!
Foundation Stage 2
This week in literacy we have been writing invitations for our film day. In your homework book can you draw a picture of your favourite film and label it?
To help with our maths learning we would like you to practise forming numbers correctly to 10.
Year 1
Reading – Please read your guided reading book, your special collection (spotty) book and your gold sticker book. Which is your favourite and why?
Spellings – Common exception words – go, going, do, doing. Words with the phoneme ‘look for a book ‘oo’ look, looking, cook, cooking
Maths – Can you play ‘shopping’ together? You can pay for an item using 1p coins, then try using 2p 5p & 10p (but only if your child understands the different coin values). You could draw the item and the coins you used to pay.
Year 2
Spellings – Bonfire Night, firework, Houses of Parliament, gunpowder, Guy Fawkes, King James I
Maths – Can you add and subtract multiples of 10 to a number?
E.g. 12 + 10 = 22 12 – 10 = 2
12 + 30 = 42 76 – 40 = 36
Literacy – Please research the story of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot as we will be writing about this story after the holiday.
Half Term Holiday Fun
Rotherham Borough Council is hosting some exciting events at various venues during the half term holiday including Family Fun Days and sports activities. Log on to for further details.
School Dinners
The cook has organised a special themed week of culinary delights to enjoy, on the first week back after half term and will include the following:-
Tuesday – Italian Day. Spaghetti Bolognese, Pizza
Wednesday – Roast Dinner Day. Chicken Dinner, Cheesy Courgettes Croquette
Thursday – Under the sea, Fish Fingers, Cheese & Potato Layer
Friday – Hot Dog, Cheese Flan
The updated, 3 week menu, will resume on Monday 7th November. The full menu will be added to the website soon.
Once again, we have been contacted by a local resident who has concerns regarding inconsiderate parking outside school. Over the past few weeks, the drive of the property in question has been blocked on numerous occasions, causing the resident delays in getting to appointments and the frustration of not being able to park on their own drive when returning home. I have apologised on behalf of those who feel that it is acceptable to park inappropriately, even illegally in some cases and would ask that parents and carers, who use a car to bring children to school, park sensibly and safely. Thank you

Class of the Week
Congratulations Unit 2! You have achieved an attendance level of 98.2% and are Class of the Week. Class attendance for the first half term.
Group Presents AEA Authorised Absences Unauthorised Absences Possible % Attend
Unit 2 1289 0 52 4 1345 95.8
Unit 3 1199 0 25 24 1248 96.1
Unit 4 1313 0 33 6 1352 97.1
Class 5 1270 0 17 13 1300 97.7
Class 9 1389 0 5 10 1404 98.9
Class 8 1385 0 41 28 1454 95.3
Class 6 1109 46 28 13 1196 96.6
Class 10 1212 50 32 6 1300 97.1
Class 7 1116 44 36 0 1196 97.0
Totals 11282 140 269 104 11795 96.8

Lost Property
We would remind you that the lost property room will be emptied and all items taken for recycling during half term. Please make sure you have checked to make sure none of the items belong to your child. Thank you
Charity Non Uniform Day
Tomorrow is ‘Non-uniform Day’ and children can attend school in clothes of their choice. The donations received will be divided between a charity chosen by the children and the purchase of new equipment for school.
School Dinner Taster Sessions
Don’t forget to sign up for the taster sessions on Tuesday 8th November. Details of the menu are on Newsletter 5.
Diary Dates
Friday 21st October School closes for Half Term @ normal time
Monday 31st October Inset Day
Tuesday 1st November School Resumes
Tuesday 1st – Friday 4th November Special Menu Week
Tuesday 8th November School Dinner Taster Sessions
Thursday 17th November School Photographs and Family Photograph Session
Thursday 15th December Christmas Dinner – Further details to follow
Friday 16th December School closes for the Christmas Holidays @ 2.30pm
Tuesday 3rd January School resumes for the Spring Term