Newsletter 7 – Spring Term 25th February 2016
Happy Home Learning
This week we have been learning our rhyme ‘When I was 1’, please help your child to learn the rhyme and enjoy singing and carrying out the actions together. A copy of this will be sent home with your child.
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – This week we have continued with our storytelling about pirates. Can you write a sentence about the pirate character you made up last week in your homework book? Please encourage your child to listen to the sounds they hear in words and to write independently.
Maths – This week we have been recognising and counting with numbers to 20. Can you write a number line counting down from 20 to 0?
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Can you draw a picture of your favourite part of the visit to Eureka? Also, please write a sentence using the word ‘because’. E.g. I like the space workshop because it was very interesting.
Maths – Have a go at measuring things around your home. What can you find bigger than 30cm? What can you find smaller than 30cm?
Year 2 Homework
Maths – Can you solve missing number problems? Here are some for you to try:
5 + ? = 10, 7 + ? = 10, ? + 4 = 10, ? + 1 = 10, 8 + ? = 10, ? + ? = 10. Now you could try solving problems to 20 or a different number of your choice.
Literacy/Science – Can you do some research about recycling? What materials can be recycled? Where are recyclable materials taken? What can be made from recyclable materials?
Can you bring something that we can turn into a musical instrument?
Spellings – how, who, last, fast, past, after.
EIS Visit – Year 2
You should now have received a letter outlining the details of the Year 2 visit to the English Institute of Sport, Sheffield. Please return your permission slips and lunch requests as soon as possible. Thank you
A double buggy was left outside main reception on Wednesday and is being stored in the office. Please contact the office staff as soon as possible if it belongs to you.
Monthly Whole School Attendance
We have received the monthly attendance data for January and are pleased to inform you that a level of 95.9% was achieved which exceeds our expected target of 95.7%.
Attendance Letters
Individual attendance of each pupil is monitored continuously as part of our on-going efforts to improve attendance within school and we believe that it is important for every parent/carer to be kept up to date with their child’s attendance. Therefore, each child will be sent home with a letter on Friday, outlining their current level of attendance, which is generated from our electronic registers. If you have any queries regarding your child’s level please contact the office staff who can supply you with an Registration Certificate. Thank you
Class of the Week – 15th – 19th February
Congratulations to the children in Class 8 who have achieved an attendance level of 98.2%.
Stay & Learn Sessions
Our next stay and learn sessions will take place on the following days and we would welcome you into your child’s classroom to share in this valuable learning experience.
Tuesday 8th March – Year2
Wednesday 9th March – Foundation Stage 2
Thursday 10th March – Year 1
Library Visits
The Foundation Stage children will be walking to Wickersley Library on the following days. The library representative has informed us that photographs of the visit may be used on the library website and Facebook page. Please inform school, in writing, if you do not wish your child to be included on photographs otherwise we will assume we have your consent.
Tuesday 8th March 9.30am – Unit 2
Tuesday 8th March 1.15pm – Unit 3
Thursday 10th March 9.30am – Unit 4
Tuesday 15th March 9.30am & 1.15pm – Foundation Stage 1
Diary Dates
Friday 26th February Parent Charter Meeting at 9.15am
Thursday 3rd March World Book Day – (come dressed as a character from your favourite book)
Tuesday 8th March Year 2 – Stay & Learn Session
Tuesday 8th March Unit 2 & 3 Visiting Library
Wednesday 9th March Foundation Stage 2 – Stay & Learn Session
Thursday 10th March Year 1 – Stay & Learn Session
Thursday 10th March Unit 4 Visiting Library
Tuesday 15th March Foundation Stage 1 Visiting Library
Friday 18th March Term Ends for Easter Holidays
Monday 4th April Return to school for Summer Term