Newsletter 7 – Spring Term February 26th February
Happy Home Learning
Looking forward to next week’s reading celebrations; enjoy a bedtime story with your child/ family. We would love to see photographs of you all enjoying your bedtime stories and hear all about your favourite stories. We are hoping to create a book about our bedtime stories to share with everyone.
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – This week we have been learning all about the Gruffalo as an opener to our new topic Monsters. We have been working really hard thinking about rhyming words and would love you to practise this verbally with your child e.g frog, log, jog, wish, dish, fish. Please have a go at writing some rhyming strings in your homework book.
Phonics – Please continue to support your child in practising the phonic sounds that are in their home school diaries and also the tricky words she, he, me, be, we and was (as on their new tricky word sheets).
Numeracy – This week we have been learning to share equally between 2 and 3 groups. Please practise this at home by sharing pasta, biscuits, orange segments or even sweets between 2 or 3 bowls. If you’re feeling really clever record it in your homework books Thank you.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – See if you can find words with the following split digraphs in a_e, o_e & u_e. You could cut and stick words from magazines or locate them in books.
Numeracy – discuss the days of the week. What is the first day? What days are at the weekend? Sing the days of the week song and record the days of the week in the homework book.
Topic – Draw and label your favourite dinosaur. Tell us the dinosaurs name and sound out its body parts.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – water, whole, over, great, diet, habitat.
Maths – Can you draw/make some ice creams or lollies, price them and buy multiple amounts of each. (e.g. 3 ice creams, 2p each, total 6p).
Topic – Can you research a sea creature e.g. seahorse, jellyfish, dolphin, whale or octopus. You could record some fabulous facts under the heading habitat, diet or appearance etc.
Lost Property
There is a large amount of lost property accumulating in school including items of school uniform, lunch boxes and book bags. Please feel free to pop in to see if any of the items belong to your child.
World Book Day – A special message from our School Councillors
You must come to our World Book Day Book Sale! It is only 50p for a book, that’s a good bargain! You might find an amazing book to read at night or on your holidays. It is at 2.30pm on Thursday 5th March in our school hall. Look for our super posters in school! Love from the School Councillors.
Foundation Stage 1
All 3 and 4 year-olds in England are entitled to 570 hours of free early education or childcare a year. This is often taken as 15 hours each week in a school setting. If your child was born between 1st September 2011 and 31st August 2012 and you have not yet secured a Foundation Stage 1 place for your child, there are still places available within our afternoon session starting in September. Please contact the school office to ensure your child does not miss out.
Class of the week
The children in Mrs Stothard’s class are fabulous. They are Class of the Week after achieving 100% attendance for the week 9th February to 13th February. Well done!
Term Time Holidays
There has been an increase in requests for special leave of absence in recent weeks. We would like to remind you that holidays taken during term time will not be authorised and could result in a fine being issued by the Local Authority unless there are extenuating circumstances for the request.
Comic Relief Red Nose Day
Red noses are now on sale from the office in reception for a donation of £1. There are 9 different noses hidden inside the packs including ‘Astrosnort’, ‘Stripey and ‘Spotty Professor’. Which one will you get? There are also 12 Golden Noses to be found nationwide. If you are lucky enough to find one you will win an amazing experience for the whole school to enjoy.
St Francis Church
Children of all ages are welcome to attend ‘Messy Church’ on Sunday 1st March from 4pm to 6pm which will include crafts, celebration and food. A small donation is optional to help towards costs.
Diary Dates
Parent Forum Meeting Monday 2nd March 4pm (All Welcome)
Parent Forum Meeting Friday 6th March 9am
Year 2 visit to The Deep Friday 6th March
Red Nose Day Friday 12th March
Break up for Easter Holidays Friday 27th March