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Newsletter 7 Spring Term – March 8th 2018

By 8 March 2018

Newsletter 7 Spring Term – 8th March 2018

Happy Home Learning
We have an ‘eggciting’ Easter bonnet parade planned for Thursday 22nd March in school. Please could you help your child to create their bonnet at home? We look forward to seeing your beautiful bonnets on the 22nd.

FS2 Homework
Please make a start on your Easter Bonnet for our Easter bonnet parade on Thursday 22nd March. Get your scissors and glue at the ready!
Please also continue with your reading challenge for World Book Day, and don’t forget to bring it back when you have coloured all the stars so you receive a certificate. Happy reading!

Year 1 Homework
Maths – Can you find half of the following:-
8 pence 6 sweets 10cm 4 pairs of shoes
Do jottings to show how you found your answers. Also, can you make a sandwich? How many ways can you halve it?

Year 2 Homework
Maths – Find ½ and ¼ of the following amounts. Choose your preferred method:
You could use practical equipment e.g. buttons or you could draw jottings, using sharing circles. You could also partition mentally in your head.
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Spellings – sadness, happiness, kindness, illness, nastiness
What could the mystery spellings be this week?

Whole School Homework – Design a book token for next year’s World Book Day.
As part of this week’s homework we would like every child to take part in the World Book Day competition. Details can be found by logging on to the following website.

Design a National Book Token Competition 2018

Class of the Week 19th February to 27th February
(Includes Monday & Tuesday of Snow Week)
Wow! Class 10 attained 100% attendance. We are really proud of you for coming to school every day, especially when the weather was so cold and snowy. Well done!

Parent Consultation Evenings
Please remember to sign up for Parent Consultation Evening which will take place next week, Monday 12th to Thursday 15th March. There are time sheets outside each classroom. Thank you

For security purposes the FABSS boxes have been removed from the exterior of the school. Any money/forms for FABSS should be handed in at the office, in clearly a marked envelope. Thank you

Year 1 Wonderdome
We thank you for your payments for The Wonderdome which has been rescheduled and will now be in school on Tuesday 20th March. Any outstanding payments should be made immediately using school money online payments. Thank you

Stay and Learn Sessions
The next Stay and Learn Sessions are as follows:-
Tuesday 10th April @ 9am Foundation Stage 2 Maths
Wednesday 11th April @ 9am Year 1 Maths
Friday 13th April @ 9am Year 2 Maths
There will also be an evening Stay and Learn session on 11th April from 5.30pm to 6.30pm for parents/carers who are not able to attend during the day.

Wickersley Methodist Church
Wickersley Methodist Church will be hosting a Good News Holiday Club. The sessions will cost £8 per child for children up to the age of 11 on the following days:-
Wednesday 28th & Thursday 29th March from 10am – 4pm
For more information and bookings contact 07534 252181

Sport Relief Family Funday
On Saturday 17th March there will be a family fun day at Herringthorpe Stadium from 11am to 3pm organised by Active Rotherham. This is a free event with various attractions and the opportunity to win medals and be the best in Rotherham. For further information contact RMBC.

Topic Celebration
All parents/carers are invited to the Year 2 Topic Celebration on Thursday 19th April at 2pm. Enter through the main reception.

Foundation Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Please remember that the visits will take place next week – see Diary Dates.
All children will need warm clothing, gloves, hats, scarfs and sensible footwear appropriate to the weather. All FS1 children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink (no glass bottle or fizzy drinks please) for our visit to YWP

Polite Reminder to FS1 parents
Tuesday 13th March: Our FS1 AM & 30 Hours children will be visiting the YWP. Afternoon children not attending school today.
Wednesday 14th March: Our FS 1 PM children will be visiting the YWP. Morning children not attending school today, 30 hour children attending as normal.

Lost Property
Could you please check lost property for items that your child may have mislaid? The baskets are overflowing with hats, gloves and scarves and there are also, jumpers and coats which need to find their owners.

Diary Dates
Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park Tuesday 13th March
(FS1AM, Unit 2 & 30 hours – No session for PM children)
Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park Wednesday 14th March
(FS1 School Closes for the Easter Holidays Friday 23rd March
School Resumes for the Summer Term Monday 9th April
PM, Units 3 & 4 – No session for AM children – 30 hours should still attend)
School Closes for the Easter Holidays Friday 23rd March
School Resumes for the Summer Term Monday 9th April
Y2 Visit to The Deep Thursday 12th April (More information to follow)
Stay and Learn FS2 Tuesday 10th April @ 9am
Stay and Learn Y1 Wednesday 11th April @ 9am
Evening Stay and Learn Wednesday 11th April @ 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Stay and Learn Y2 Friday 13th April @ 9am
Year 2 Topic Celebration Thursday 19th April @ 2pm

Early Words Together Workshops
Monday 12th March 1.30pm – 2.45pm
Monday 19th March 1.30pm – 2.45pm

Inset Days
Friday 22nd June 2018
Monday 23rd July 2018