Newsletter 7 – Summer Term 4th June 2015
FS1 Happy Home Learning
This week we have been introducing our topic of growing and minibeasts. Discuss what plants you have been growing and see if you can discover any minibeasts in your garden?
FS2 Homework
Literacy – Help your child to make a seed packet for a flower that they like. Help them to write the flower’s name and write the instructions on the back on how to plant it.
This week we will be asking your child to write their name in full (Christian and Surname). Please practise this ready for assessment next week.
Numeracy – Practise filling containers with salt, sand or other material. Talk about and compare containers: full, half full amounts and empty.
Year 1 Homework
Maths – Can you count the number of steps in your house and the places that you visit?
Literacy – Can you write a list of questions you would like to ask the lighthouse keeper? E.g. How many steps are there?
Year 2 Homework
Maths – Can you look at sharing amounts into thirds?
Spellings – beautiful, children, climb, because, people, water.
Literacy – Can you draw/paint/make a cowboy? Please label all the equipment a cowboy has and explain what it is used for.
Year 2 Dance & Bug Mansion Event
The children in Year 2 would like to thank everyone who attended their event which raised £89. The money will be used to purchase science resources.
Treasure Box – The children love to visit The Treasure Box and because we have so many super readers it has to be refilled regularly. We would like to say a massive thank you to Fabss who have once again offered to be our sponsors. This will enable us to continue this incentive for the next school year.
Gazebo – FABSS would like to thank everyone who voted for the Community Gazebo. Unfortunately on this occasion the bid was unsuccessful.
Summer Fair – The summer fair will take place on Wednesday 1st July commencing at 3.30pm until 6.30pm. Volunteers are needed to help with
running stalls, games etc and we would love to hear from anyone who is interested in helping our efforts.
Class of the week – 18th May to 22nd May
Congratulations to the children in Class 5 who attained a level of 99%.
Year 1 visit to Flamborough – Monday 8th June 2015
On the day of the visit, please ensure that your children arrive at school for registration no later than 8.15am. The coaches will be leaving at 8.30am prompt.
It has come to our attention that there have been an increasing number of instances in which school has been contacted reporting a child’s illness when in fact special leave is being taken. On more than one occasion we have found that children have been asked to keep this a secret but invariably children like to share happy memories with the staff and their friends in the classroom. Please can I ask that you are honest with regard to any special leave and family days out. We cannot authorise any holidays without exceptional circumstances but please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Arif, our
Attendance Officer, if you need any advice or further clarification on this matter. It is vitally important that there is honesty and respect between home and school and that children are not put in a difficult position with trusted adults and their friends. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Diary Dates
FABSS meeting at BSI Wednesday 3rd June @ 5pm
Y1 Visit to Flamborough Lighthouse Monday 8th June
Inset Day Friday 19th June
FS1 Closed for new starter coffee days Thursday 25th June
Friday 26th June
FABSS Summer Fair Wednesday 1st July @ 3.30pm
FS1 Sports Day Friday 3rd July
9.30 AM & 1.30 PM
Leavers Assembly for parents Tuesday 14th July @ 2pm
Parent Walk about Infants & Juniors Tuesday 14th July
(More details to follow)
FS2, Y1, Y2 Sports Day Friday 10th July @ 9.15am
Break up for Summer Holidays Friday 17th July @ 2.30pm