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Newsletter 8 – 2nd March 2017

By 2 March 2017

Newsletter 8 – Spring Term 2nd March
Happy Home Learning
This week we have been reading The Big Pancake and looking at the beginning, middle and end of the stories. Can you read a story with your grown up and see if you can recall part of the story.
Red PM Group
Can you talk together with your grown up about pancake toppings? What is your favorite? Is there anything that you don’t like?
Foundation Stage 2
Literacy – In Literacy this week we have been learning to write pancake recipes. For your homework can write your own recipe? Your recipe can be normal, (e.g. jelly) or a really silly one (e.g. crocodile soup or bug sandwiches).
Number – In number we have been learning the concept of one less. Using resources around the house e.g. buttons, smarties, spoons or sticks can you practise counting out an amount (using numbers to 10) and taking one away (one less).
Also, can you ask mathematical questions? eg. How many have we got now? How did you find the answer?
You could even make it into a story (e.g. We had 4 smarties. Daddy came along and ate one, how many do we have left?
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books. Can you find any contractions in your book? A contraction is a word that is made from two separate words that are pushed together. The apostrophe represents the letters that are omitted. E.g I’m = I am Can’t = can not
Spellings – I’ll, I’m, can’t, was, were, said, baby, bear, book, like, said
Maths – We have been using equipment to investigate what makes 20. You could use straws. You could record the 2 parts that make 20 like this

19 1
Remember when you count a ‘teen’ number we say ten and how many more.
Year 2
Maths – Please practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, forwards and backwards. We are learning to multiply and divide and this is an essential skill to that we must learn to be able to calculate accurately.
Literacy/Science – We are going to be doing science investigations through Literacy, with a super text called ‘Biscuit Bear’. Please research what ingredients we will need to make biscuits and the method we might use.
Spellings – humming, hummed, dropping, dropped, fatter, fattest
Class of the Week – 13th to 17th February
Congratulations to the children in Class 10 who are ‘Class of the Week’ with an attendance level of 98.6%.
St Francis Church
You are invited to Messy Church at St Francis Church, Bramley this coming Sunday. Please arrive at 4pm to enjoy crafts, fun and food. Donations are optional. For further information, please contact Sherida on 07512 607117. Also, on Saturday 18th March from 3pm to 4-30pm, St Francis church will be hosting an ‘Indoor Car Boot Sale’. Pitches can be reserved by calling Alyson on 01709 290724 and cost £10 each. There is no entrance fee for people wanting to browse. Thank you
World Book Day
We thank you for your support for World Book Day and for all the pictures and sponsor money that we have already received. The total raised and winners of our best photograph competition will be announced on next week’s newsletter. Therefore, if you still have any outstanding money, please return to school as soon as possible so that we can issue a certificate for your child. Remember to write your child’s name and class on the sponsor form. Thank you
Playtime Buddies
In Year 2 we will be recruiting some ‘Playground Buddies’ who will be responsible for being a good companion to all children at lunchtime and playtimes. Some of their responsibilities will include setting up playground games, setting a good example and encouraging friendships. If you think your child might be interested in this role please ask their class teacher for an application pack.
Diary Dates
Friday 24th March Year 2 Visit to EIS for Multi Sports Activity
Friday 7th April School closes for the Easter Holidays
Monday 24th April Return to school for Summer Term
Monday 1st May School closed for May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Monday 5th June Back to School
Thursday 8th June Class Photographs
(No individual photographs will be taken on this occasion)
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays

Term dates up to July 2018 can be found on line at Inset days for the next school year (2017 – 2018) will be issued on the Newsletter as soon as they have been confirmed.
Friday 17th February
Thursday 15th June
Friday 16th June