Foundation Stage 1 Happy Home Learning
A big thank you to all of you who attended our Stay and Play sessions, we hope you had an enjoyable experience. During the half term holiday please have a go at making playdough with your grown up and explore all the different learning opportunities it can offer. We look forward to hearing about your happy learning times together after the break.
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – We have been learning about making promises and how couples do this at a wedding. The children have been making cards and invitations for our ‘wedding’ by sounding out the words and writing down the sounds they can hear. You could practise your writing at home by making a thank you card to people for coming to the wedding. Please help your child to sound each letter individually and then blend them together to read the following words: vet, yak, yes, web, thin, zip. If possible write each word. We have been learning the sound v, y, w, th and z, this week, please use the diaries to practise the rhymes with your child.
Numeracy – This week we have begun learning about money and coins. The children have practised buying items that cost different amounts using the correct number of one pence pieces. Time to get your penny jar out! Can you practise selling different items at home to your child? Let them pay using pennies.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Draw a picture of someone special. It could be a family member or a friend or someone on the television. Write a sentence to explain why they are special.
Maths – We have been learning the value of money. Please play shops over the holidays using 1p, 2p, 5p & 10p coins. How much do your purchases cost? Which coins do you need to use? How much change do you need?
Year 2 Homework
Please encourage your child to read lots of books, comics or even newspaper articles over the holidays to enhance their reading skills.
Spellings – favourite, flavour, one, really, might, want
Creative – Choose some fruits and make a delicious smoothie and write down your instructions.
Maths – We have been looking at odd and ever numbers. Investigate what happens when you add together two even numbers, two odd numbers and one even and one odd number.
e.g. 10 + 10 = 9 + 9 = 10 + 9 =
We Need your help If you are on an Autumn wal, please collect conkers, pine cones, beech masts that we can add to our natural materials collection. Thank you.
Class of the week 6th October – 10th October
Wow! What a fabulous week the children in Mrs Stothard’s class have had! They have achieved a level of 100%. We are very proud of you.
Class of the Term
Currently leading the way for the ‘Class of the Term’ award is Mrs Stothard’s class who currently have an overall attendance level of 98.5%. Close on their heels are Miss Barr’s class with a level of 98%. Every class is still in with a chance of becoming ‘Class of the Term’ so do your best to attend school regularly to help the level of your class to improve.
Year 2 Visit
We are in the process of organising a visit to the theatre in Sheffield for our Year 2 children which will take place in December. Please look out for your letter after the half term break.
Children in Need wrist bands and poppies are still available from the main office. Wrist bands – £1. Poppies – Donation
Please note that due to the visit to Sundown Adventureland, Foundation Stage 1 will be closed to FS1 AM children on Thursday 20th November and to FS1 PM children on Wednesday 19th November as all the staff are needed on the visit on both days.
Diary Dates
Return to School – Monday 3rd November
Photograph day – Thursday 6th November
Children in Need – Friday 14th November – Non Uniform Day – Super Hero Theme
FS1 & 2 Visit to Sundown Adventureland – 19th & 20th November
All Christmas dates will be outlined on the first newsletter after half term.
A Special Event
We would like to congratulate our lovely Miss Barr’s who is going to be married during the half term break and will become Mrs French. We hope that the sun shines on her special day and wish her every happiness for the future.