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Newsletter 8 – Summer Term 22nd June

By June 22, 2017School News

Newsletter 8 – Summer Term 22nd June 2017

Happy Home Learning
Red Team
This week we have been counting and grouping objects to 5. Can you practise counting at home? How many teddies do you have? How many forks are on the table? Etc.
FS1 Literacy – Can you talk to your child about the first sound of a word? When you are out walking and you see a dog say “Dog starts with a ‘d’ sound” and ask them to repeat it back to you.
Numeracy – We have been counting objects in groups between 5 and 10. Can you encourage your child to group objects? You can make sure they are doing it correctly by getting them to move each object to one side as they count.
Foundation Stage 2
Literacy – This week we would like you to practise writing the letters of the alphabet in your homework book. E.g. Aa Bb Cc
Number -This week in number we would like you to practise counting forwards and backwards from a given number, using numbers from 0 to 20
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books.
Spellings – when, which, wheel, while, unhappy, undo, unlock, unfair, untidy
Extra challenge – Can you write any other words that begin with un or wh
Maths – Please practise subtracting a single digit number from a two digit number
e.g. 18 – 7, 11 – 4 using jottings or equipment.
Extra challenge – Choose a number between 20 and 30 and write some subtractions facts for that number e.g. 25 – 5, 25 – 10, 25 – 15.
Topic – Our visit to Twycross Zoo let us see many types of monkey and realise just how many different kinds there are. Do some research to see if you can find an interesting kind of monkey to write a factfile about.
Year 2
Spellings – Thomas Farriner Samuel Pepys
King Charles II apron bucket oven
Maths – Solve the missing number problems using the part, part, whole method.
16+?=25 20+?=30 ?+10=21 ?+7=19 20=17+? 20=16+? 20=12+? 34=16+?
Literacy – What happened after The Great Fire of London? How did housing change? What was put in place to stop or prevent fires?
Class of the Week 12th to 16th June
Congratulations to Class 5 who attained an overall attendance level of 99.4%. Well done!
PE Kit
All the children are taking part in extra PE lessons to practise for Sports Day. Could you please make sure your child has their PE kit with them every day. Thank you
School Attendance Level
As you are aware, our schools expected level of attendance this year is 96%. After failing to meet our target last year and attendance being noted as an area for improvement in our most recent Ofsted Report, we have worked hard to make sure that we succeed in meeting our target this year. With your support, we have so far managed to maintain a level above 96%. However, the overall level of attendance has taken a dip recently and is currently 96.1%. Whilst this is still above our expected level, with further term times holidays still to be taken by some pupils and inevitable illness, there is a real danger that we will end this school year having not met our target once more. We therefore urge you to continue to work with us to keep this level above 96%. The attendance data we submit to the authority is collected right up to the last day of term (Tuesday 25th July) so it is important that every child attends school on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th July. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to reporting good news in September when we receive the official attendance figures.
Lost Property
Please check to make sure that your child isn’t missing any items of clothing, lunch boxes etc. as once more, there are many items which have found their way into lost property. We would also remind you to label all clothing, book bags and lunch boxes to make it easier for lost property to be returned to its owner. Thank you
Dates for your Diary we will be making cress-head window-boxes.
Monday 3rd July FS1 AM & PM Sports Day 9.30am and 1.30pm
Wednesday 5th July Y1/Y2 & FS2 Sports Day 9.15am
Wednesday 5th July FABSS Summer Fair. 3pm onwards
Thursday 6th July Foundation Stage 1 Closed
Friday 7th July Foundation Stage 1 Closed
Monday 10th July FS1 Graduation Ceremonies 11am & 2.15pm
Monday 17th July Year 1 Topic Celebration
Ruesday 18th July Parent Walkabout 3pm to 5pm
Friday 21st July Year 2 Leavers Assembly @ 2pm
Tuesday 25th July Year 2 – Year 3 Transition Picnic
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays at the earlier time of 2.05pm

Inset Days – Sept 2017 to July 2018
Monday 4th September 2017 (School year begins on Tuesday 5th September)
Monday 6th November 2017 (October Half Term Previous Week)
Friday 9th February 2018 (February Half Term Following Week)
Friday 22nd June 2018

Monday 23rd July 2018 (School closes for the Summer Holidays on Friday 20th July 2018)