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Newsletter 8 – Summer Term 25th May 2016

By 25 May 2016Newsletter

Newsletter 7 – Summer Term 19th May 2016

Happy Home Learning
We have been planting seeds and we would like you to look after them during the half term holiday. Remember to water them and make sure that they get plenty of sunshine. Can you see how much taller they get? Maybe your grown up can help you measure it!
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – This week we have looked at growing and even made our own ‘cress heads’. You will be taking them home over the holidays and we would like you to write a diary about your cress plant. Can you tell us how you looked after it and how it grew? You could even eat some afterwards!
Maths – We have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Can you go on a shape hunt around your house and find objects that look like different shapes? You can tell your grown up about the shapes and what they are called.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – We would like you to practise correct letter formation every day using the sheet provided in your homework book.
Numeracy – Using the sheet in your homework book, we would like you to learn number bonds to 10 (20 if you can) off by heart.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – caterpillar, leaf, leaves, beautiful, ate, butterfly, through
Literacy – Can you find out about the life cycle of a butterfly or a different mini beast?
Maths – We would like you to create a symmetrical picture or pattern. Bring it to school after the holidays so we can see what you have created.
Class of the Week
Class 5 and Class 9 have both been fabulous and have achieved an attendance level of 96.7%. Well done!
Class of the Term – So Far!!!
Class 5 are currently in the lead for Class of the Term with a level of 96.7%, closely followed by Classes 9 & 10 who both have a current level of 96.6%.
Class of the Year – So Far!!!
Wow, it couldn’t be much closer! Unit 2 currently have an attendance level of 96.4% but Class 8 & Class 9 are really close behind and both have a level of 96.3%. We still have 6 weeks left until we have a winner, so try your best to make sure you are in the class that gets a free dip in the treasure box for being ‘Class of the Year’.
The police will be making regular patrols around school at the beginning and end of the school day. It has been reported that adults collecting children from school have been parking on pavements, blocking driveways and parking on the crossing outside the infant school. An incident occurred today and a child was almost knocked over by a car. Children can be unpredictable, even when they are being supervised by a responsible adult so please take care when driving past or parking outside the school. Thank you
Speech & Language
If you have any worries regarding your child’s speech you may be interested in attending Stepping Stones Children’s Centre in Maltby on Monday 20th June between 11.30am – 12noon. A speech and language therapist will be on hand to discuss your concerns. For further information please contact the Speech & Language Therapy Department on 01709 423230/423229.
Half Term
Please remember school is closed on Friday for an Inset Day and we return to school on Monday 6th June after the half term break. Keep safe during the holiday week, hopefully the weather will be kind and we can all have lots of fun in the sunshine. We look forward to seeing you on our return for the remainder of the summer term.

Diary Dates
Thursday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Friday 27th May Inset Day
June During this month Y1 children take the phonics screening check.
Friday 17th June Inset Day
Thursday 30th June Foundation Stage 1 closed
Friday 1st July Foundation Stage 1 closed