Happy Home Learning
Please practise writing your name. This could be using big chalks outside, with paintbrushes and water in the garden, shaving foam on tiles or making your name into a door plaque. We look forward to seeing your happy home learning in school next week.
FS2 Homework
Literacy – This week in literacy we have been looking at the adventures of Spider-Man and his enemy The Green Goblin. The children have written to Spider-Man, labelled a picture of him and made him a get well card following his disagreement with Green Goblin. Talk to your child about their experiences this week. Can you write a letter to The Green Goblin together? Practise sounding out the words and remember those tricky words.
Numeracy – This week in maths we have been looking at time. The children have looked at different times of the day and how they relate to the things they do. We have introduced a clock to the children and practised o'clock and half past the hour. Can the children tell u what time it is? You could have a go at making a clock in your homework book.
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Draw a character from the story ‘Peter Pan’. Label them and describe them too.
Maths – See if you can go around your house and find 3 objects then sort them from smallest to largest/heaviest to lightest. Record this in your homework book.
Year 2 Homework
Topic – Research and make a tepee or a totem pole.
Maths – Find change. Choose an amount of money and find change from an amount. (E.g. 50p) and use counting on.
Class of the Week 16th to 20th June 2014
Congratulations go to Unit 4 for their excellent attendance record last week. They achieved a level of 99.5% and are ‘Class of the Week’
Spare Wellies!
Foundation Stage 2 is in need of some children’s Wellington Boots to use for their Maths project. If you have any spare that you no longer need, they will be happy to take them off your hands. Thank you
May we politely remind parents/carers to take care when parking outside the school on Flanderwell Lane? We would ask that you park safely and legally without blocking the drives of local residents or the entrance to the Staff Car Park. Thank you
FABSS Summer Fair
Fabss would like to thank you for your contributions of teddy bears and Pringles and look forward to seeing you next Wednesday at their annual Summer Fair.
School Meals – Relief Lunchtime Staff
We are anticipating an increase in our school dinner numbers from September due to the government’s new Universal Free School Meals initiative. Every child in the infant school will be able to receive a hot dinner or choice of sandwiches or wraps completely free of charge which will be a welcome saving for parents.
We are looking to appoint relief staff who we can call upon ‘as and when’ needed to support our team of highly experienced school meal supervisors.
If you are interested in this type of work and would like to find out more, please contact a member of the admin staff.
Spare Clothes
We have a supply of spare clothes in school which are used when occasional ‘accidents’ happen. If your child has to borrow any items of clothing could you please make sure that they are returned, washed and ironed, to school as soon as possible as our stock has dwindled recently. Thank you
Diary Dates
Tuesday 1st July Merlins Magical Show
Wednesday 2nd July @ 3.30pm FABSS Summer Fair
Tuesday 8th July @ 9.30am FS2, Y1 & Y2 Sports Day
(Reserve day Thursday 10th)
Tuesday 8th July 3.15am to 5.30pm Parent Walkabout
Friday 11th July @ 9.30am (AM Children) FS1 Sports Day
1.30pm (PM Children)
(Reserve day Monday 14th)
Tuesday 15th July @ 2pm Y2 Leavers AssemblyWednesday 16th July @ 2pm (Invite only) Bramley’s Got Talent FinalFriday 18th July @ 2.30pm School closes for the Summer Holidays.