Newsletter 9 – Spring Term 10th March 2016
Happy Home Learning
This week we have be clapping out the rhythm to our names. Can you clap out the rhythm to the names of people in your family and to your favourite nursery rhyme?
Foundation 2 Homework
This week in literacy we have been practising rhyming. Can you think of some rhyming words for the following words and write them in your homework book? Cat, dog, bee & hair.
In maths we have been practising subtraction. Can you practise counting back on your number line with your grown up and find the answer to these number sentences? 5 – 3 = ?, 9 – 4 = ?, 8 – 2 =?
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Can you think of an interesting word to describe these things: stars (i.e. twinkling), moon, rocket, planet, rock, astronaut, asteroids?
Maths – Can you direct your grown up around your house using instructions like forward, half turn, to the left, quarter turn, turn to the right?
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – door, poor, floor, because, find, recycle & recycling
Literacy – We have been learning about Homophones. These are words that sound the same but they have different spellings and meanings e.g hole & whole, fair & fare. Can you make a list and explain the meaning of each word?
Maths – Can you count in multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10? To help make this more interesting we would like you to make a shop. Price your items using 2p 3p 4p 5p & 10p. Then, buy 2, 3, 4 or 5 of the same item. Draw your calculation and write a matching number sentence. (E.g. 3 ice creams at 2p each . 2p + 2p + 2p = 6p or
3 x 2p = 6p.
Morrison’s Easter Competition
You still have chance to send in your entries for the art competition which will be collected from school on Friday 11th. Any entries should be handed in at the office in main reception.
Class of the Week – 29th February to 4th March
Congratulations to Class 9 for achieving an attendance level of 97.5%.
You have recently received a letter informing you of your child’s current attendance level and there are also regular updates on the Newsletter which include the whole school attendance level. As we approach the end of the Spring Term, the overall level of attendance for the school year to date is 95.4%, which falls below our expected level of 95.7%. We are aware that illness is unavoidable and an unusually high level of winter viruses, coughs and colds have raised absence levels significantly over the last few months. However, statistics confirm that had no term time holidays been taken, our monthly targets would have been met and we would now be achieving a level of 96.5% which exceeds our expected level. Please make sure that you access the school website to check when the school holiday dates are before you book a holiday. We still have a full term to make every effort to increase our attendance level and secure an acceptable level by the end of the school year. Regular attendance is vital for your child’s learning and we look forward to working with you over the coming weeks.
Lost Property
We have once again accumulated a variety of lost property including, coats, school uniform etc. Any items which have not been claimed before the end of term will be taken to recycling.
Diary Dates
Tuesday 15th March Foundation Stage 1 Visiting Library
Thursday 17th March Easter Bonnet Parade
Friday 18th March Sport Relief Day
Friday 18th March Term Ends for Easter Holidays
Monday 4th April Return to school for Summer Term
Monday 2nd May May Day Holiday (One day only)
Thursday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Friday 27th May Inset Day
Monday 6th June Return to School
Friday 17th June Inset Day
Tuesday 19th July School Closes for the Summer Holiday