Newsletter 9 – Spring Term 9th March
Happy Home Learning
We have been learning the letter ‘g’ this week. Please practise writing the letter ‘g’ by using chalks or paint or with water and a brush on the path outside. When we write the letter ‘g’ we say “Round the girls face, down her hair and curl. Remember we would love to see your home learning in school next week.
Red PM Group
On your journey to and from school please look around and see what numbers you can recognise.
Foundation Stage 2
Literacy – In literacy this week we have been learning about the story structure of Traditional stories e.g. Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs…
See if you can think of your own story opener e.g. One sunny morning ……… and write a sentence to open your own story up.
Number – In number this week can you practise writing and ordering teen numbers (numbers from 11 to 20)? Think about the formation of these numbers and see if you can recognise them at random. You might even want to make your own flash cards to learn these numbers.
Year 1
Reading – Please read your reading books.
Spellings – you, are, there, be, so, because, space, planet, moon
Maths – Can you play the chanting game ‘I say you say’ to practise your number bonds to 10/20.
e.g I say six you say ____?
Six, four six, four
I say six so you say four (Writing in bold to be said by the child)
Topic – We are writing a book about space. Choose a planet from our solar system to find out about.
Year 2
Spellings – walk, talk, always, all, although. What other words have the ‘al’ sound?
Maths – Can you solve these missing number problems?
8 + • = 17 9 + • = 18 7 + • = 14 6 + • = 12 10 + • + 20
15 + • = 20 • + 4 = 12 • + 6 = 19 • + 2 = 10 • + 1 = 20
Literacy – Can you create your own giant or troll and describe it using expanded noun phrases.
Class of the Week – 27th February to 3rd March
Wow! Class 7 had an amazing week last week and attained an overall attendance level of 100%. We are very proud of you!
Class of the Term/Year
Class 9 are fabulous at attending school and currently have the highest attendance level this term and for the school year to date. There is still plenty of time to improve your class attendance and catch up to Class 9, so do your best to attend school regularly.
Class 9 98.2 98.1
Class 8 97.4 96.2
Class 6 97.0 96.3
Unit 3 96.9 96
Class 5 96.4 95.6
Class 10 96 96.8
Unit 2 94.9 94.7
Class 7 94.8 95.9
Unit 4 94 95.2
The table below shows the monthly and overall attendance levels achieved so far for the current academic year, the levels we would have achieved had no term time holiday been taken and the comparable figures from the previous academic year. We are thrilled that to date there has only been one month (October) when our target was not reached and data shows that during this month there was an unusually high level of children absent from school due to winter viruses etc.
Although February figures have not yet been confirmed, early indications show that once more, our expected level of 96% has been reached. The figures clearly show a marked improvement from last year and we would like to thank all the children who have attended school regularly and on time and to their ‘grown ups’ for working with us to achieve these levels. However, we would remind parents/carers that no term time leave for holidays will be authorised and when relevant, fixed penalty notices will be issued.
MONTH Academic year 2016/2017 % had no term time holiday had been taken Academic year 2015/2016
September 97.2% 97.9% 96.6%
October 94.8% 95.9% 95.2%
November 96.8% 96.9% 95.2%
December 96.7% 97.1% 95.3%
January 96.8% 97.13% 95.9%
To date 96.5% 97% 95.5%
Shoe Collection Bin
There is now a shoe recycling bin outside main reception underneath the notice board. The funds raised will go to the Variety Club. Thank you
Sponsored Reading Challenge
A huge thank you is in order for the effort shown by the children taking part in the Sponsored Reading Challenge. So far a total of £816.65 has been raised. Please bring any outstanding sponsor money to school as soon as possible.
Once again it is necessary to remind parents/carers to park responsibly outside school. Local residents have made recent complaints to the school and to the police with regards to illegal and inconsiderate parking. The police will continue to make regular patrols and will issue tickets where necessary.
Diary Dates
Friday 24th March Year 2 Visit to EIS for Multi Sports Activity
Friday 7th April School closes for the Easter Holidays
Monday 24th April Return to school for Summer Term
Monday 1st May School closed for May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 26th May School closes for Spring Bank Half Term
Monday 5th June Back to School
Thursday 8th June Class Photographs
(No individual photographs will be taken on this occasion)
Tuesday 25th July School closes for the Summer Holidays
Term dates up to July 2018 can be found on line at Inset days for the next school year (2017 – 2018) will be issued on the Newsletter as soon as they have been confirmed.
Friday 17th February
Thursday 15th June
Friday 16th June