Newsletter 9 – Spring Term 12th March
Happy Home Learning
Think about the books that we have been reading and talk about your child’s favourite character. Can they draw a picture of this character and bring it to school for us to see.
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – In literacy this week we have been using the digital camera to take photos of our own monster faces. In your homework book see if you can create your own monster and write a sentence underneath to describe it.
Phonics – In phonics this week we have been focusing on our handwriting. In your homework book can you practise forming the following letters correctly; b, d, e, g, s, y?
Numeracy – In numeracy this week we have been learning to recognise numbers from 0 to 20 and place them in order. In your homework book can you cut, recognise and order numbers from 0 to 20? (Please see number sheet provided).
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Write a sentence about your favourite dinosaur and explain why it is your favourite. Can you include adjectives (describing words) to make your writing more interesting?
Maths – Can you write the days of the week and what you do on each day? e.g. On Monday I go swimming
Also, please practice writing the danger words said, like, why & where.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – talk, walk, caught, thought, fought, water. Can you put each word into a sentence?
Maths – Can you draw or make a symmetrical picture or pattern.
Topic – Can you research The Titanic for our history learning next week? You could write some facts and bring some pictures.
World Book day
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported World Book Day. A total of £174.76 was raised.
Class of the week 2nd to 6th March
Congratulations to the children is Class 9 who are class of the week with an attendance level of 98.7%
We have received a summary of the monthly attendance data for January which shows that we attained a level of 95.6% which is 0.1% below our expected target. Please look out for the Attendance Fact Sheet which will be distributed soon.
Wickersley Kids Club
Wickersley Kids Club are now taking bookings for the Easter Holidays. To secure a place, please contact Louisa on 07960960331 between 2 & 5.30pm weekdays or alternatively send a text. Also, we would like to remind you that Wickersley Kids Club are moving to the Sure Start centre at Flanderwell. Thank you
Comic Relief Red Nose Day
Please remember that tomorrow is non-uniform day. For a voluntary donation children can come in non-uniform or dress up either in favourite outfits or linked to the theme of secret agents for Red Nose Day. There will be a donation station in the classrooms for a voluntary donation and we will be selling Red Nose Day buns (provided by staff) for 50p. All proceeds will be split between Comic Relief and The Kenyan Orphanage we support.
Parents Consultation Evenings – Week commencing 23rd March
Appointment times will be displayed next to the classrooms from Monday 16th March.
Family Links Courses
Two Family Links Courses are on offer to parents & carers in the Wickersley Learning Community. The Parenting Puzzle Workshop is a 4 week nurturing course for parents of 0-4 year olds and The Nurturing Programme is a 10 week nurturing course for parents of children aged 4-12 years old. Please see the poster on our community notice boards or contact Julie Wilkinson on 07717733260 or email for further information.
Diary Dates
Red Nose Day Friday 12th March
Parent Consultation Week Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th March
FABSS Easter Eggstravaganza Wednesday 25th March
Break up for Easter Holidays Friday 27th March
Back to school for Summer Term Monday 13th April