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Newsletter 9 – Summer Term 9th June 2016

By 9 June 2016

Newsletter 9 – Summer Term 9th June 2016

Happy Home Learning
Can you discuss holidays. Where have you been? Where would you like to go? How would you get there? Talk to other family members too, we are sure they will want to book one soon!
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – This week we have been looking at holidays. We have made our own holiday brochures and even wrote our own postcards. We have also been busy booking holidays in our travel agents role play area! For your homework we would like you to write a sentence telling us about your favourite holiday or trip to the seaside. You might also want to draw a picture to show us what it looked like!
Maths – In maths we have been practising adding 2 amounts, using a number line to count on and find the answer. Using the number line you made in your homework book can you count on and find the answer to these addition sums?
5 + 2 =
7 + 5 =
8 + 7 =
9 + 8 =
Year 1 Homework
Literacy – Please practise the phonic screening past papers online
Remember to use your Fred Fingers and take your time. If you don’t have access to the internet, please practise the sounds in your diary.
Maths – Please can you practise the formation of your numbers. Make sure they are all the correct way round and start/finish in the appropriate place.
Year 2 Homework
Spellings – equipment, face, neck, toes, high, thigh, clothes, knee, wore, protect
Maths – Can you make some calculations using the following signs?
> (more than) < (less than) = (the same as). e.g. 2 + 4 < 5 + 5 16 – 2 > 13 – 1
2 x 5 + 6 + 4
Topic – Can you write a job advert for a cowboy? Tell the applicants what equipment they must have and why. Also, tell them what the job will be like, where they will live and what tasks the will have to do etc.
Summer Weather
Summer has arrived and we would like to stress the importance of protecting your child from the beautiful sunshine that we are currently enjoying. Please make sure that a sun hat is provided to wear during outdoor activities and that you apply sun cream before arriving at school. Your child may bring cream to school but must apply it themselves as members of staff are not permitted to do this. Also, we encourage the children to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration so please make sure that they have a water bottle in school. Thank you
Outdoor PE
Please make sure that your child has the appropriate footwear for outdoor sport particularly for Year 2 children who are working on their PE skills with RUFC on Thursdays.
Class of the Week
Congratulations to Class 5 who attained an attendance level of 99.5% and are ‘Class of the Week’
Diary Dates
Friday 17th June Inset Day
Thursday 30th June Foundation Stage 1 closed
Friday 1st July Foundation Stage 1 closed
Tuesday 5th July Sports Day @ 9.15am – FS2, Y1 & Y2
Tuesday 5th July Sparky Marky Show for FS1,Y1 & Y2
Friday 8th July Sports Day @ 9.30am – FS1 (AM) session
Sports Day @ 1.30pm – FS1 (PM) session
Tuesday 19th July School closes for the Summer Holidays @ 2.30pm