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Newsletter 2 – Spring Term January 15th 2015
Happy Home Learning
This week we have begun our Rhyme Challenge. Please practice singing the rhymes 5 Little Speckled Frogs and 5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer at home with your child. The children have produced some lovely work on the rhyme 5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer which is displayed in the classroom. Thank you for all your speckled frogs last week, the children were delighted to share their happy home learning
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – This week we have been learning about The Gingerbread Man and have talked about speech bubbles and what they are used for. The children enjoyed the repetitive text and joined in while they were reading. See if they can tell you the rhyme. Can you practise writing a sentence about the story?
We are continuing practising segmenting and blending with the phonic sounds that we already know and practising reading and writing VC and CVC words. We have also learnt the new sounds ay, ee & igh.
Numeracy – This week we have been learning about weight. We have introduced balancing weighing scales to the children and have talked about items that are heavier and lighter. Talk to your children about the weight of different objects. If you have the time you could bake buns using weighing scales or even gingerbread men.
Year 1 Homework
Phonics – today, could, would should.
Literacy – Can you design and label a new gloop gun for the minions?
Maths – Can you play a counting game at home like Snakes & Ladders etc?
Year 2 Homework
Maths – Can you make some sums that balance?
e.g. 7 + 4 = 10 + 1, 12 + 6 = 10 + 8
Literacy – Choose your favourite event from the EIS and draw the action. Write a paragraph describing the action too!
Phonics – Please work on your sounds in your home school diaries.
Spellings – dictionary, position, athlete, direction, sports & athletics. Class of the week – January 5th to 9th
Congratulations to the children in Class 6 who attained a level of 99%.

NSPCC Sponsor Forms
The children have been enjoying taking part in Buddy’s Big Workout and we thank you for your support in helping to raise much needed funds for the NSPCC. Please remember that your sponsor forms should be returned by Monday 26th January.
Change to School Dinner Menu
Due to unforeseen circumstances the cook has asked us to inform you that there has been a slight change to the menu. Tomorrow, 16th January the Red choice will be Breaded Fish and on Monday 19th the Yellow choice will be Crispy Fish Fingers.
We are very proud of the children who achieved 100% attendance for the Autumn Term. Each child will receive a certificate in assembly tomorrow. Letters will be distributed next week informing you of your child’s level of attendance for the Autumn Term. Please note that we are aware if your child’s attendance is low due to illness and take this into consideration when making referrals to the Education Welfare Officer.
Please note that should there be any significant snowfall over the coming weeks, we will keep you updated of any unlikely closures by text message and in the News section of our Website. (
FABSS Diary Dates
Meeting—Wednesday 04/02/15 5pm BSI
Meeting—Wednesday 04/03/15 5pm BSJ
Easter Eggstravaganza 25/03/15 from 3:30
AGM—Wed 15/04/15 4:30pm BSI
Bingo Night 08/05/15 from 6:30
Summer Fair 01/07/15 from 3:30
Diary Dates 2015
Year 1 visit to Eureka Friday 23rd January
School Closes for Half Term Friday 13th February (usual time)
Inset Day Monday 23rd February
Back to school Tuesday 24th February
School Closes for Easter Holidays Friday 27th March
Back to school Monday 13th April