Newsletter 2 – Spring Term January 14th 2016
FS1 Happy Home Learning
This week we have been reading the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ can you tell your grown-ups about what happened in the story?
Foundation 2 Homework
Literacy – Can your grown up ‘capture’ a photograph of you reading in an unusual place? Bring the photo in to show us
Maths – Please measure your favourite teddy with a ruler or tape measure and record how many centimetres it measures in your book
Year 1 Homework
Could you practise solving missing number problems with your grown up?
Eg 5 + _ = 10 6 + _ = 9
Can you spell the days of the week correctly, remembering they always start with a capital letter?
Year 2 Homework
Please learn to spell and write these words – know, knock, knee, write, writing, wrote, wrong, wrap,
Change these root verbs to the simple past tense and put each one into a sentence. Remember the rules for adding an ‘ed’ ending. Walk hurry stop skip jump carry
This week we have been learning that the ‘equals ‘sign can mean ‘is the same as’
Can you write two calculations that have the same answer? e.g 2 + 2 ‘ is the same as’ 3 + 1
16 + 4 = 24 – 4
Y2 Topic
Next week we will be reading and writing pirate poems. Can you find one?
Stepping Stones Children’s Centre
Stepping Stones provide excellent support for parents of children under 5 and their siblings. They offer mother & toddler sessions, parenting courses, advice on behaviour issues, baby massage, toilet training as well as organising events and parties. They are based at Flanderwell school (was Silver Birch children’s Centre) See their face book page or telephone 01709 816946 for more information.
Foundation Stage 1 September 2016
If you have received a letter offering your child a place in September please return the reply slip asap as places are filling up quickly.
Happy Ending!
Great News! – Following our plea on last week’s newsletter we have found the family who helped the elderly gentleman who fell from his mobility scooter. Although the accident happened at Wickersley, it was one of our lovely families who helped and took the gentleman home. We arranged for them to meet up again this week so he could pass on his grateful thanks.
REMINDER – Parent/Carer SPaG Class
Don’t forget we have two Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Sessions coming up. Both sessions are the same in content and you can attend either. They will take place on Tuesday 19th January, at 9am and 5pm in the Infant School Hall. This is open to parents of both the infant and junior school. A consultant from the Local Authority will be joining us to explain the expectations of the new national curriculum which your children will need to fulfil. We really hope you can attend, please add your name to the registration list at the main office.
‘Cyber Savvy’ – Thursday 4th February – 3pm at the Junior School or 5pm at the Infant school
These sessions will be delivered by Ann Foxley-Johnson who is a leading, experienced anti-bullying co-ordinator, whose work has been recognised locally and nationally. We hope to see you can attend one of the sessions and look forward to working with you to benefit your child’s wellbeing. Please let the office staff if you wish to attend. Ann will also be delivering the following sessions to the children as part of their curriculum.
Monday 1st February – Being kind online
Wednesday 17th February– What is bullying? (Year 1 & 2)
Friday 19th February– What is bullying? (FS2)
Diary Dates
Tuesday 19th January @ 9am or 5pm SPaG Session
Wednesday 20th January Year 2 visit to The Deep
Monday 25th January @ 11.30am Being Kind Online
Thursday 4th February @ 5pm ‘Cyber Savvy’
Friday 5th February School Closes for Half Term
Monday 15th February Inset Day
Tuesday 16th February Return to School
Wednesday 17th February @ 9am to 12am What is bullying? (Workshop 1)
Friday 19th February @ 9am to 11.30am What is bullying? (Workshop 2)
Tuesday 23rd February Year 1 visit to Eureka (Details to follow)
Friday 18th March Term Ends for Easter Holidays
Monday 4th April Return to school for Summer Term